The Bloodmoon!!!

A long time ago I used to be a warrior cats fan and i loved warrior cats and i married firestar. but one day i found a book that made me not want to read warrior cats ever again. one day i found a book it was and it had picture of tigerstar on the cover but he was bloody and was holding jayfeather's head and he was behind him was the night sky but it was pitch black with red stars and the moon was bloody. the book was named "the bloodmoon." so i bought the book and when i bought it and i read it. in the book tigerstar and hawkfrost and mapleshade and other cats were dancing. guts and organs were everywhere and the cas were screaming "SUMMON SATAN!" jayfeather was cold and scared on evil altar but then he turned into a demon. blood rain from sky and i go to next page but rest of pages are torn. then i heard a scream and my parents were dead. then a man whispered "this is the power of the bloodmoon" into my ear. then a rotting paw burst out of the floor and dragged me into hell.
da end.